Marcal Soteras Portfolio

About Me

I'm Marcal Soteras, a Computing student at Dublin Business School, focusing on Data Analytics and Big Data. I’m passionate about coding, especially in data analysis and data science, where I enjoy uncovering insights from complex datasets. I'm always eager to learn new technologies and stay current with trends in data science.

stressed officr worker

Housing Price Prediction

This project predicts housing prices using machine learning. It involves exploratory data analysis, data visualisation, preprocessing, and training models like Random Forest and Gradient Boosting. The best model was selected through hyperparameter tuning, demonstrating a complete data science workflow.

summer airbnb location

AirBnB Dashboard on Tableau

I developed a dashboard using 2016 Airbnb data from Seattle, Washington, to provide key insights for rental business owners. The visualisations cover price per zip code, pricing trends, and the most common number of rooms, helping hosts optimise their listings and boost profitability.

crypto currencies

Automated Crypto API Pull

A Python script that automates the retrieval of live cryptocurrency data from the CoinMarketCap API. It processes and organizes data on percent changes over various time periods, adding timestamps and visualizing trends using Pandas and Seaborn.

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to me for any inquiries, collaborations, or opportunities. I’d be happy to connect!